jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Multiple Intelligences

 Hello everyone, and welcome again to my blog! 馃槑

Today's topic is "Multiple Intelligences". This theory about multiple intelligences was created by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, who proposed that people need to develop several types of intelligences. He points out that human beings have more developed and less developed abilities. He concluded that there is no such thing as "intelligence" itself, but that there are many more that are independent.

There are many types of intelligence, let's see what each one is about:  

  1. Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence馃憖: it is the ability to master the language and be able to communicate effectively. It not only refers to the ability to communicate orally but also in writing. This intelligence may be useful for politicians, writers, journalists, etc.
  2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence馃拃: This type of intelligence is related to the ability to reason logically and solve mathematical problems. Scientists, economists, academics, engineers, and mathematicians usually excel in this type of intelligence.
  3. Visual-Spatial Intelligence馃挮:  Provides the ability to observe the world and objects from other perspectives. Ability to create mental images, and draw and detect details. In this intelligence, we find painters, photographers, designers, advertisers, architects, etc.
  4. Musical intelligence 馃帳: There are many types of music and this led Gardner to understand that there is also an associated intelligence. The brain executes functions linked to the interpretation and composition of music. Those who have this type of intelligence are, of course, musicians, those who are able to play instruments, read, and compose with ease. 
  5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence馃拑馃暫: This refers to the bodily skills needed to use tools or express certain emotions through the body. Those who possess this intelligence are dancers, athletes, and even surgeons. 
  6. Intrapersonal intelligence馃檹: It is the one that helps us to understand and control our emotions. It makes us able to access our feelings and reflect on them and helps us to maintain well-being in all aspects of life.
  7. Interpersonal intelligence馃懇‍馃懇‍馃懄‍馃懄: This is an intelligence that allows us to interpret words or gestures, or the objectives and goals of each conversation. It gives us the ability to detect and understand people beyond what our senses can perceive. Teachers, psychologists, therapists, lawyers, and pedagogues are profiles that usually score very high in this type of intelligence. 
  8. Naturalistic intelligence馃尶: Allows us to detect, differentiate and categorize aspects related to the environment, such as animal and plant species or phenomena related to the weather or things in nature. It is considered an essential intelligence for the survival of human beings.
Gardner says that all human beings possess the types of intelligence, but that some excel more in some than others and stresses that none is more valuable than the others. 

The teacher Orlando gave us a photocopy of the "Multiple Intelligence Wheel" first we had to do a little test and then color the wheel according to how many points we had in each intelligence. I will leave my results below, but as you can see I had the most points in "Visual-Spatial Intelligence"馃ぁ, which surprised me because I did an activity on that type and I couldn't solve it. I thought I would have more in musical or intrapersonal. But well, I will also say that my lowest score was in Logical-Mathematical Intelligence which doesn't surprise me because I am very bad with numbers.馃槤

Well, that would be all for now, I know it's a lot of information but it's very interesting too. Until next time, bye-bye. ❤✌

domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023

Collaborative Approach - Welcome Register 2!


Welcome to a new register, and also, to a new topic the "Collaborative Approach". As its name says, it is about doing collaborative work, it consists of making small groups carry out activities or learning tasks. It is procured that everyone participates and learns.

Some collaborative learning approaches put mixed-ability pairs, groups or teams together to work in competition with each other in order to drive more effective collaboration.

The Collaborative Approach is divided into three: 
  • Community language learning (CLL): This is the last topic of the past register, so, in short, this method is based on support, also called "tribe" to learn, its main characteristic is that there is nothing prepared, but it flows naturally.
  • Task-based learning (TBL): In this case, preparation is essential as activities are presented in the target language to build communication skills. Task-based learning has the advantage of getting students to use their skills at their current level, developing language through its use
  •  Content-based learning (CBL): The team is encouraged and students are able to complete any content-based task.
These are a few ideas of each that the teacher gave us in class:

Some of the activities that can be done are:
  • Listening triangles: Students make trios, in which each has a role, either the speaker, who asks the questions, and the other takes notes.
  • Talk partners: Students pair up to do a small discussion activity. 
  • Think-Pair-Shared: A topic is prepared to discuss with their partner and after they have discussed their thoughts, they go in search of another partner so they can share what they discussed.
Here are some photos from the first class on this topic.

Well, that would be all about my little explanation of the Collaborative Approach, I hope it was clear to understand. 馃挦 See you in the next entry, bye-bye! ✌❤

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2023

That's all - Bye Register 1

Hello again, fortunately, this time we will not be talking about theory but about how was the last class of the register and before the midterm馃槸

In the last entry, I mentioned in the last activity we were assigned was to explain one of the methods, my group had to talk about the Grammar Translation Method馃憦

The class began with the teacher assigning us between 20 - 25 minutes to prepare our posters and for the presentation. So that's what we did and once time passed we started to present, each group with their method and went on to explain the most important. Besides, these presentations were very useful for us because when we finished we all had a quiz about all the methods. 馃槺

So that's all we did in Register 1, it was very theoretical but at the same time dynamic register with the help of some methods, I hope I explained myself properly and I'll see you soon for sure! 馃槈❤

Community Language Learning

Hello, good to have you here again! We are almost done 馃槺  Finally, we are going to talk about the last method of register 1, Community Language Learning 馃挰馃挱

Community Language Learning (CLL) is the name of the method developed in the 1970s by Charles A. Curran, who was a counseling specialist and professor of psychology, and his associates at Loyola University in Chicago. 

The key idea is that the students determine what is to be learned, so the teacher is a facilitator and provides support. The teacher plays the part of "counselor", while the learners are encouraged to work together, interacting and helping each other personally in a supportive community. The method, which aims to alleviate the anxiety and threat so often felt by language learners, is sometimes described as "counselling learning". 

The learning goal behind the use of this method is to use the target language communicatively in an environment where students are provided with stress-free, non-dependent, and value-respecting teaching circumstances. Also, learning is expected to occur through oral activities, such as dialogues and mini-drama.

  • Non-threatening environment to express myself better.
  • Focused on speaking.
  • Nothing is prepared, everything flows naturally. 
  • Authentic material.
S - Feel the support of your classmates and improve your social skills. 

W - For those who preferred to work individually may not like it. And, distracting for the use of devices.

O -  There is an opportunity to talk and socialize more.

T - It can be distracting, and difficult to deal with over time.


For the first activity, the teacher asked us to form groups and we had to write down topics that we should all have in common, while the teacher walked around the room observing us. He then asked each group for a topic and wrote them on the board to explain what we would do next. We talked for 1 minute about each topic and when we got to the one we had selected we were going to record ourselves, and then proceed to listen to our conversation in order to extract vocabulary, structures, and the key questions we asked ourselves. Finally, one of the group read aloud what we had extracted. 

For the last activity of this method, the teacher assigned each group one of the methods we have been learning the whole registration, we had to make posters and present them to our classmates in the next class.

Well, that would be all about the Community Language Learning, I hope you have understood the importance of this method, see you in the next entry! 馃挭馃挓

mi茅rcoles, 1 de marzo de 2023


 Hello, welcome back to my Blog! ❤

The following topic is Suggestopedia: 

This method tries to make the student feel comfortable, creating a safe environment for them since they learn best when they are in their comfort zone. To make this possible, we usually work with background music, especially classical music. 

It is a method of teaching a foreign language in which students learn quickly by feeling relaxed, interested, and positive. Suggestopedia is most commonly used in foreign language learning and at the primary level, but it could be used for a lot of other subjects however, we would need specialists in those fields to take the philosophy behind Suggestopedia and work with the subject matter that they know well.

  • Students should be in a relaxed and comfortable environment with soft music to facilitate learning. 
  • No homework. Everything is done during the class session. 
  • Teaching is done by integrating music.
This method has similarities with the Grammar Translation Method and the Direct Method, you can see them below. 


 S - Dynamic/Fun/creative method, and help to unleash the mind.

W - Get distracted or sleepy easily.

O - Develop concentration skills, and learn vocabulary.

T - Distractions.


All these activities were done with calm music in the background, first, we were asked to make a list of the main ideas about what we did on our vacation. Then, we drew a picture, we could draw anything that came to our minds.
The third activity was a group activity, we all had to think of 7 animals and write them down, then the teacher played a children's song about farm animals and we had to cross out if we heard an animal from the ones we had written down. And the last activity was to translate a short song, which was Misty by Ella Fitzgerald.

To be honest, I didn't find this topic boring at all but rather it was fun and something new. That's all I have to say, so thank you and see you soon! 馃憢