sábado, 3 de junio de 2023


Welcome to the last entry 😢

This last entry is a compilation of presentations made by me and my classmates in English Didactics I, basically, there were activities that you can do when you are teaching Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. This time we took the role of teachers, which was very fun and interesting to do and see.💙 I hope you enjoy this last post. 

1. Listening 👂

The first group focused on listening skills and did some interesting activities. First, they did a listening test where we as participants had to identify all the verbs that were mentioned in that conversation/anecdote. After that, they did a Kahoot game that was related to the same conversation we listened to, which helps to see how much attention we paid to the audio. And their last activity was to listen to the rap part of a song and identify a phrase and say what structure it had. 

Then, the second group did other activities that were a bit similar. The first one was to listen to a song, but again the rap part, and point out the verbs we identified from the list we were given even though I knew the song and it was one of my favorites it was a little challenging to identify all the verbs, plus there were distracting verbs that sounded similar. The second activity was to play Telephone with sentences that sounded like tongue twisters, the sentence had to go through several people and find out how similar it got to the end. All in all, these groups created engaging activities that merged listening comprehension with elements such as music and games, resulting in an enjoyable learning experience.

2. Speaking 🗣

The first group did several activities that help improve their speaking skills. They started with a small spelling bee, in which the difficulty of the words increased as the rounds progressed. The next activity was to use modal verbs such as can, should, may, etc. They provided random scenarios and those who participated had to say sentences related to the situation and using the mentioned structure. The last activity (which I participated in) was about making up a story with the completely random images they showed us. 

The second group was in charge of involving the whole class. We were asked to make small groups to discuss certain topics, each group had a different situation. Each group was tasked with discussing the question of when an individual is considered too old or too young to partake in those activities. Certain subjects, like getting a tattoo or taking a selfie, triggered contentious discussions. 

In short, these speaking activities not only encouraged creativity but also the participation of all students. 

3. Reading 📖

The first group provided material to read about delicate situations that we can find on the internet or the misuse of social networks. Following this, they asked true and false questions to check reading comprehension. Also, they added a word search with words related to the reading, this activity was my favorite because I enjoy these games. Although the reading was a little heavy to digest in less than 5 minutes, I think it was a good activity. 

The second group also presented reading material, in their case, there were two and each one was totally different because the first one was very simple and easy to understand, while the second one had dates and much more information with important details. After reading we played the "hot potato" game, whoever had the ball had to answer something related to the reading, the good thing was that the group gave the options. 

I think these types of activities are essential for students to develop their reading skills so that they get used to working with any type of material. 

4. Writing ✍

Here came my moment to shine because my group was the first to present. We decided to do some very simple activities, the first one was about grammar where before doing the exercise we explained to them the structure and the proper tenses. Then, we gave them each a page with 5 messy sentences and they had to put them in the correct order. For the second activity, we asked them to write an informal invitation letter, but first, we explained the structure they had to follow and showed them some connectors they could use. 

The next group prepared totally different and interesting activities. First, we were asked to create sentences with our names, for me this was a bit difficult because of the X in my name, so in the end I just decided to use the first three letters (Ale). In the second activity, they didn't say categories for us to fill in so we could create a little story.

And just like that, we made it to the end again. It's amazing how another register flew by, and I am so grateful for everything I was able to learn with English Didactics I, it helped me realize that I can do more than I think I can. I want to thank Teacher Orlando for telling me that even though I don't see my progress, he did notice it and for me, that's already a win.💚 Thank you for this incredible register full of new experiences, a lot of knowledge, and a good time together. 

Here's the end of this blog, that's all for now, but I hope to meet you again later. Bye-Bye💜

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