domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2023

Grammar and vocabulary classes

Welcome to a new check-in and a new post on my blog!👻❤

For this week I bring a summary of how we made groups and gave either vocabulary or grammar classes, which for some of us was something new to take on the role of teacher. 

First I would like to mention how random it was that we all arrived in black, each group had to choose a color and coincidentally, we all chose black.😂

Group 1: Vocabulary - Hospital🏥

We started our classes, and the first group presented a particularly fascinating topic! We were instructed in the vocabulary related to hospitals, which was very informative. Surprisingly, there were certain words that we were unfamiliar with despite having an advanced level of English, or so we thought. 

First, they gave us some definitions and then went on to give us pages with exercises, they gave us an alphabet soup and another one to relate the term with its definitions. Then, they went on to do something more practical which was a game of Kahoot which I won second place, a win is a win.

Group 2: Grammar - Third conditional📑

This group gave a lesson on the third conditional, which uses the "if" clause to talk about events that never happened or to describe hypothetical situations in the past.

We were initially instructed on the structure and then guided to form sentences on the board, also providing a set of sentences for us to identify the constructions of the Third Conditional.

I liked that it was a pretty organized group and they made everyone participate, they were committed to everyone learning the structure. 

Group 3: Vocabulary - Cooking🍳

It's my group's turn. We chose culinary vocabulary because we think that these are words that, despite having a good level of English, we still don't have much knowledge outside of the basics. I liked this topic because we learned techniques, ingredients, and procedures that I had no idea how to say. 

We started by asking what their favorite dish was and if they had an idea of how to prepare it. And basically, that was the point of the whole class. We taught new words, most of which are derivations of French, as well as procedures, and we pushed them to bring out their inner chef.🍚

Group 4: Grammar - Second conditional.🌈

They talked about the second conditional. During the lesson, we understood that the Second Conditional is used to talk about future events that are improbable or situations that are not possible.🆇

For the activity we were put into groups and given an envelope with cut out words, which we had to order and put together sentences. 

Then, they showed us that they had a roulette wheel with the name of each one of us. I was telling a friend that it would be bad luck if our name came up out of all the names, and that's when my name came up on the wheel and I had to participate.🤡 And finally, they did a chain sentence activity, so to speak, they did was the students had to use what the last person had said, using the second conditional, and create a sentence.

It was a challenging but interesting activity. That was all for this entry, I hope it has been fun to read. See you next time, bye-bye💚👽

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