Hey everybody, welcome again! 馃憢馃懡
And just like that we reached the end of register 2, as well as the last entry... for now. 馃懟
This last topic was a bit short but still interesting. It is about the types of students, for example, if we want to teach something we must know who our "audience" is, we must know what they are good at, their preferences, and their strengths.
Some aspects to consider as educators are age, their differences as learners, their language level, motivation, and their backgrounds.
Age: This is a very important aspect because depending on their age you will be able to decide on a teaching method. For example, children are creatures that are excited about learning new things, but they must be fun to capture their attention. Teenagers are like a middle ground, as they know how to behave and focus on activities with the goal of learning more, rather than having fun. And adults tend to be disciplined and mature, learning with the help of their experiences and expectations of their learning process may make the process easier.
Learner's differences: Each person has his own way of learning, as well as have better developed some kind of intelligence and attitude. With the help of VARK and KOLB, their learning characteristics could be identified.
Language Levels: Students are also classified according to their language level. In case of the English language, it can be classified with the help of CEF (Common European Framework). Basic level is A1, A2; Intermediate level is B1, B2; and advanced level is C1, C2. This is very important because it helps to determine what skills they have with the language, and educators can give them the right classes to help them move forward.
Motivation & Background: Of course, motivation is very important to learn, students should have clear goals of why they are learning something, this way it will be easier to be aware of what they study and commit to the learning process. On the other hand, their background is also crucial because that serves us as educators to be aware of where they come from and their situation, and thus avoid offending our students in any way.
Thank you for making it this far! See you next time and good luck with the midterms! 馃挅馃挮