jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Multiple Intelligences presentations - Last Round

Hello again to my blog! Today I am going to continue talking about the presentations about multiple intelligences, so welcome to the last round! 👻

Group 6 - Intrapersonal Intelligence 

Well, this is my group it was formed by Andrés, Noé, Giselle, and Me, Alexia.✌ For this presentation as you can see, we all dressed in light blue shirts, as we thought it would be cute and cool.💙 

We talked about intrapersonal intelligence, its characteristics, and how we can develop it. This type of intelligence makes you connect more with yourself, know your emotions and feelings better, and know how to be at ease with your inner self. In addition, people who possess it tend to be independent and intuitive, they do not think things through but rather listen to their emotions. To develop this intelligence, activities can be done which are more reflective and meditative than physical.  

For our activity, we decided to do something that at first glance is simple but is important for this intelligence, and for this emotions were the main character! 😉 We ask three people to help us, so each of them would get in the front and pick a card on the whiteboard. Each card had a little face drawn, and they had to say out loud which emotion they thought it represented. Then, they would have to tell us a story where they experienced that emotion and answer some questions about how they felt and how they dealt with it. And, our prize was some notebooks to encourage them to start a journal or diary.  

Group 7 - Naturalist Intelligence

This group was formed by Eli, Nidia, Gustavo, Adriana, and Karla. They explained that this intelligence helps you to connect, categorize, and classify things with nature. Also, there are some characteristics of people with this intelligence and one of them is that they are in constant contact with nature. 

For their activity they played "What's in the box?" they asked 4 people to participate and 2 of my friends (Andrés and Giselle) participated, they had to play and guess what it was, as they guessed, and they won a pineapple and a lemon.  

Group 8 - Existential Intelligence 

Kenneth, Fer, Mauricio, and Jonathan group were the ones in charge of this intelligence. With this intelligence you have the ability to understand issues related to human existence, it makes you ask questions about life and its meaning, also about your own life.  

Finally, the activity required the entire class to participate. They made groups of 5 and did breathing exercises. Then they gave questions that had to be discussed as a group. 


Well, that's all about the multiple intelligences presentations. I wish I could have been there but I know we all did a great job. 💗

See you soon! 💥

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