Hello, hello, hello again... 💣💥
For this entry, we have group presentations where each group was assigned one of the "Multiple Intelligences" which was my topic for the last entry. At the moment I will only talk about 5 groups as they are Rounds 1 & 2, the topics for these rounds are: Visual-Spatial, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Linguistic-Verbal, and Musical Intelligences.
This group is formed by Dani, Nathy, Miriam, and Maria. They talked about how with this intelligence you can have another perspective of things, it allows you to create mental images and detect details. They also mentioned that solving puzzles is a way to develop this intelligence.
Then, they did an activity and asked for volunteers to make a group of 3, honestly, I was excited and I told my friends to participate and we did.
The activity was about solving a puzzle called Tangram, we had to form a square with the figures they gave us, unfortunately, we didn't win ☹ and I think our problem was that we concentrated too much on two figures that we thought they were fine and we didn't keep arranging them in another way, but well, it was still a lot of fun 😊.
From this group onwards I could no longer be present at any presentation because I had a medical leave ☹ My friends told me what they did and shared some photos with me, it's a pity I wasn't there because I was looking forward to participating in another activity.
Group 2 - Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Round 2 started with group 2, "Logical-Mathematical Intelligence" which is formed by Herrera, Maru, Clarita, Katherine, and Damaris. Well, they explained that this type of intelligence helps to understand problems with a logical pattern. In addition, people with this intelligence tend to use common sense to make decisions.
Then, they moved on to activities. The first was about a memory game, and the second was a word search.
The latter is one of my favorite games, if I had been there I would have participated for sure. Apparently one of my friends did manage to participate and even won, what a lucky guy.
The people in charge of this intelligence were Abi, Josh, and Rodrigo. Basically, this intelligence is the ability to learn through physical movements. They explained that people with this intelligence are usually good at working with their hands and can do many things like making crafts or building things with blocks or legos.
The activity of this group was to play charades, to be honest, I am not a big fan of this kind of games maybe because I am not extroverted, but I would have liked to see the groups participate, I think I could have had fun.
Magaly, Diana, Eunice, Jaime, and Alisson group were in charge of this intelligence. With this intelligence you have the ability to use spoken and written language, so it helps to read and listen to podcasts. The advantage of this intelligence is that it helps to have a wide vocabulary, helps to learn new things, and of course, it has the ability to communicate.
For the activity of this intelligence, they asked 5 people to help them test their vocabulary. Apparently, they had to match the word with its definition and look for mistakes in sentences and synonyms.
It is an interesting game but personally, I don't think I would have participated, as I know my strengths and I know that this type of intelligence is not one of them. Here are the Top 3.
This last group of the day consisted of Christian, Joaquin, Josselin, Ivette, and Jessica. Well, with this intelligence you have the ability to have a good sense of music and rhythm. They are considered to have a good appreciation for music and find it easy to remember melodies, and songs, identify notes, and enjoy focusing only on music.
I think this intelligence is one of the highest I have, I like music a lot, I work and study with it, melodies make me feel calm and it's like my comfort zone. Whenever I listen to music it's like I create a new scenario about anything (It's like "shh my show already started").
This group's activity was about guessing the song, they would play about 5 seconds of a song and those who participated had to guess the name and singer. Maybe I would have liked to participate, but after seeing the songs they played I don't think I would have guessed almost any of them since it's not the type of music I like.
Well, that would be all for this entry but not all the presentations, see you in the sequel. bye-bye 👽
Even though you have not been present, you have kept your blog updated. Congratulations! :D