lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023

👩‍🏫Describing Teachers 👨‍🏫

Hello everyone, I welcome you back after the midterms with a new and interesting topic "Describing Teachers", that's right, we are going to talk about the people who share their knowledge with us and most of them are there when we need them. 💜

I think we can all describe our teachers in a general way, however, even for this we have to take into account what they are like in and out of the classroom. Likewise, there are some aspects to take into account when describing them, these are the following:

1. Teacher's role in the classroom: You might think that a teacher's role in the classroom is only to teach, however, they do much more. A teacher can be a Controller, who takes leadership from the front. Also, they can be a Prompter who helps to constantly remind them of some instruction or word for an activity. Then, there are Participants whose role is more active as they participate in a discussion, work with students, and give feedback. Students make them Resource, when students need help with something these teachers are always assisting them. And finally, Tutors are usually in charge of giving personalized attention to those who need extra help.

2. The teacher as an organizer 📝: Teachers begin their work long before they start teaching classes, they take their time to plan, do the necessary research, and prepare their lessons to be able to do well in front of their students. 

3. Teachers as performers 🎬: Teachers have another profession that they perform within another profession, teachers can be actors too, and they have behaviors that help ensure good learning. They work with their own methods and strategies that help create an attractive environment for different activities.

4. Rapport💫: Rapport is the connection between student-teachers, which could be very good or bad, but to create a good relationship it is important to recognize, listen, respect, and treat students fairly.

5. The teacher as a teaching aid 🆘: Teachers now have a lot of technological aids to help them teach, but in the end, their most faithful and reliable resource will be their body language, expressions, and pronunciation, these aspects are important for learners.

6. Native vs non-native-speaker teachers: It is stereotyped that native speakers are better at teaching the language because it is their first language and their fluency, which are excellent points for them. However, non-native speakers should not be underestimated as they have worked hard to learn another language and understand the difficulties that students may go through, in conclusion, both have their plus points and both are good at what they do. 

In closing, I want to say that I enjoyed the topic and it only made it clearer to me how much I admire teachers, because personally, I think it is not an easy job to have to deal with many different types of people from different ages and learning methods. Fortunately, I have good teachers both in and out of the classroom, thank you for being the way you are!💖 Bye- Bye.💚

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