There is not much theory for this week, but everything was dynamic and fun. However, there is an explanation prior to the exercises. The topic is "Voice projection" This helps us to exercise our voice so that we can be heard clearly and be understood better. This topic was divided into 2 classes, Tuesday and Thursday.
On Tuesday the teacher asked us to make space so that we could move comfortably and doing the exercises in a group was easier. First, we watched a video of a voice trainer explaining some exercises to practice with our voice to reach the right pitch. Then, another video compilation of "Bety la fea" of how some characters imitated each other.
We were asked to do some imitations of whoever we wanted, a cartoon, a series/movie, and even among classmates. Also, the boys had to imitate the voice of a woman, the girls the voice of a man, and both the voice of a boy, it was a little difficult to imitate the voice of a man because my voice is high-pitched and I couldn't make it low-pitched no matter how hard I tried.
The second exercise was about resonance, we had to pronounce the vowel sounds in a long way and intoning them well, almost singing them and keeping the notes, with my friends we joked that we made a whistle note, it was fun.
The third exercise was about breathing, we did two lines and worked in pairs, this consisted of talking to our partner, but little by little going back and forth, and so on.
The fourth exercise is similar to the third one, only this one was more about articulation, we put a pencil in our mouth and did the same as in the previous exercise, talking to our partner while we moved away and then we came back closer. Then, we had to jump up and keep talking like this, honestly, I wasn't listening to anything anymore and barely knew what I was trying to say.😂🤡
We continue this topic on Thursday. We watched another video of the same vocal coach, which showed ways to relax by making gestures, and how we can imagine what others are doing while we are preparing. Then, we watched another video explaining the intentions when promoting, which are: Institutional, sales, and neutral voice. The institutional voice is more formal, it can be used to refer to the audience, and when we want to sound professional. The sales voice, as you literally want to sell something, while offering you should sound catchy because you are trying to attract the attention of a potential customer. And the neutral voice is usually more friendly and natural, however, it is said to be the most difficult to achieve.
For the exercises, we got back together as a group and each one had to read the poem the teacher presented to us and try one of the voices mentioned above. It was a bit difficult to achieve because we are not used to something like this, only one of us got the Institutional voice type right.
Finally, our partner Nidia was giving us some feedback, as she is familiar with these voice types because she works in Radio (She's awesome, you got it, girl💪). She explained to us how we should act while speaking as that projects to our voice. Also, she gave us some tips, for example, we should not throat clear before speaking, practice breathing exercises and do some improvisation helps us to expand more, and thus avoid getting quiet at any moment.
I really liked this topic because it was very dynamic, but I must also admit that it was a bit tiring too because, at the end of the day, I ended up with a bit of a sore throat,😅 but I learned things that I will clearly take into account.
Thanks for reading this far, see you in the next entry, bye-bye!💚
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