domingo, 21 de mayo de 2023

👩‍🏫 Teaching Writing 👨‍🏫

Hello there, welcome to a new entry!💫

This week's topic is about "Writing", and this time both classes were theoretical, but with interesting exercises. ✌

On Tuesday we started the class with some handwriting exercises, first, we did some strokes that I always hated to do as a child because they didn't come out well.😅 Then, we practiced our cursive handwriting, which felt so weird because I don't think I've written that way since I was younger. 

Here's how it turned out for me.👀

Then, we discussed that handwriting, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, paragraph organization, text cohesion, and Register/style are just a few of the many aspects of writing. In addition, a teacher's responsibilities in a classroom include providing feedback, monitoring, and serving as the primary resource. Of course, approaches to student writing include the process and product, genre, writing as a cooperative activity, developing a writing habit, writing for learning, writing for writing, and creative writing. 

After learning all that, we did a writing activity, first, we had to write a short composition about the best day of our lives, of course, before that, we had to develop the main ideas. After that, we had to get feedback and I asked my friend Giselle to check mine and help me to make my composition look better. Another activity we did is called bread and butter notes, or as it is commonly known "Thank you letter" I dedicated this one to my brother whom I love very much, and because you can put some of the aspects and approaches, like the process and product, creativity, cohesion, and punctuation, into practice, both activities are beneficial for students. 

After that, we worked on another activity, but this one was collaborative, we had to test our creativity and I think work under pressure as well. We formed groups, mine was 4 people, and each member of the group had to write and give a continuation to the story we were creating, when the teacher said "change" we passed the notebook and so on, basically. Here is our big nonsense story.

On Thursday, we talked about vocabulary and grammar. When teaching grammar, this is very important because it helps us write correctly. As a result, students will learn to use language more effectively and comprehend the structure of sentences. In addition, our group debated the appropriate sequence in which Grammar classes should be taught. This is the way our group thinks the order of the language classes should be.

We divided into groups and talked about grammar and vocabulary topics that are more likely to be taught inductively or deductively. We also talked about how important it is to expose students because teachers ultimately have to help guide discovery. Finally, our teacher demonstrated various approaches to presenting lexis. We can accomplish this by utilizing word charts in which students are required to match chunks to form sentences. Teachers can give charts family words, pictures to name things, records, glossaries, etc. 

With this topic I could realize the dedication and work our teachers do before and during a class, they provide us with PPTs, look for videos on YouTube to explain a topic in the best way, and think of activities to make everything more interesting and dynamic.💖

That was all for this topic, thanks for making it this far, and see you in the next one, bye-bye.💚

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