martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

👯‍♀️🕺 Body Language, Coordination, and Improvisation 🎭🎬

Welcome back to my blog! ✌

For this week's topic, as you can see in the title, we used our body a lot, we learned how to improve our body language, which made the class very dynamic and fun. 

Keeping focus👀: In this part we did several activities. First, we separated into two lines and worked with whoever was in front of us, in my case, I worked with my friend Andrés (Lucky me👅) we tried to make eye contact without laughing, but it wasn't easy and we didn't succeed because every time we saw each other we started laughing. 

Then, in this activity, I also worked with Andrés and it was about walking around the room, still, without losing sight of our partner, it was also difficult to walk without seeing where we were going and we could bump into someone (fortunately we didn't). And the last one of this type was to keep walking around, but without losing sight of an object that we decided to focus on. 

Expressing emotions with your face and body 🕺: We practiced our facial expressions with a partner, we had to try to make the person in front of us laugh, for me, it was very easy because Andrés laughs all the time with me and vice versa 🤡, we didn't have to do much just look at each other and make some gestures that we always do between us was enough. 

Then, again we had to walk around the room, but this time thinking we were models, or changing our faces to angry (I did the side eye that I like to do so much👀), also walk and whoever we met we said some compliments, it was fun to say and listen to them.❤

Improvisation 🎭 : This is the part that was the most fun but also very tiring and uncomfortable for me😅. First, teacher Orlando asked us to think of a scene from any movie or series for another group to improvise, as well as a very instrumental melody or song. With my group, we chose a scene from Scary Movie. And we had to do one from Toy Story 2. I'll leave some videos of some groups, I hope you laugh or die of cringe. 💀


For the activity with the song, we were to use our imagination and create anything that would go along with it. We were assigned "Oceans" by Hillsong, we just focused on the melody, which sounded sad and we didn't know what to do, but in the end, we came up with something. I think some people didn't understand, but I don't blame them, we couldn't give context on that. Basically, I was a nurse who told Magaly that she could now go see the doctor (Andrés) so he could give her the great news that she was going to be a mother. 😂

And to wrap things up, the last activity was to say goodbye by saying something and making a related gesture. We just made jokes about it, I don't really remember what I did, but I think it was a word in sign language. 😋

To conclude, all this body language, coordination, and improvisation are important as it helps us to be dynamic and in control of the situation when teaching something. 

This topic while fun, was also exhausting for me, more so with my social skills still recharging. That's all for today, thanks for reading this far and I'll see you later. Bye-bye.💚

1 comentario:

  1. Alexia, I enjoyed this entry very much. I know that this topic was very challenging for you; however, I am totally sure that - even if you haven't realized about it yet - your social skills strengthened ;) Thank you for keeping your blog updated.
