Hello everyone, welcome again to my blog!✌👽
Once again it will be a pleasure to share with you every class and experience developed, in this case, it will be about English Didactics II! 💫
It is amazing how fast time goes by and we are almost at the end of this journey, regarding this subject, I feel a little nervous, but at the same time excited and ready for what is to come. 💪
Well, first we were introduced to and explained how we would be working the 3 registers, although there will be theory in the first, the second and third will be more about putting into practice our knowledge and placing ourselves in the shoes of a teacher, that will be a great experience.😬
Then, we had a diagnostic evaluation, which I did pretty bad because I didn't remember anything about the first two parts of the test. However, the only thing I got right was the teaching methods which are still fresh in my memory because I saw them last semester. Afterward, the teacher gave us the test back to answer together and we watched some videos that helped us answer the theories part.
Thank you for keeping your blog updated, dear Alexia! :D