Hi Starshine, The Earth Says "Hello!"🌟✌
Moving on, this time it was the turn of groups 3 and 4, Maru's group and mine. Since we were the ones who would start the day's classes I felt very nervous, and the fact that people hardly arrived made me panic, but after a while they arrived and we saw some new faces. 👀
As each student arrived we gave them stickers to write their names on, so that when we needed participation we could see the name and call them immediately👻. We taught 3 topics (greetings, verb to be in the affirmative, and spelling) similar to the last two classes but in our case, we focused on listening. We started with a listening activity to prepare them for what they were going to face😈. Then, we developed the topics and did other activities such as creating sentences with the verb to be, a spelling bee, another more complicated listening, and finally our famous Chayanne's Hot Potato🥔, which was done with the song Torero to give them excitement. In addition, we gave out Colombian jellies and chocolates not only to those who got it right but to all the participants.💫
After the break, the second class started. The fourth group focused on greetings and spelling as well, but with more information about them and focused on reading.📖 They formed circles to play hot potato🥔 so they could ask questions. Also, they did a reading comprehension test and at the end, they had them form groups so that everyone could do their conversation using the topics they had learned.🧠.
(I stole the photo from Andres, who stole it from Fer)🤡
We stayed until the end for teacher Orlando to give us our respective feedback, which was very detailed and made me think how much knowledge he has acquired over the years, it will definitely serve us well later on. Thank you for your words.💝
This is as far as this blog has gone, wait to see how it goes with the remaining groups. bye-bye.👽💙
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